Queensway Dental Darlington

293 Yarm Road, Darlington, DL1 1BA

Average review score of 5 from 1207 customer reviews

"Got booked in by the Billingham practice and they forgot to tell me I wasn’t getting the procedure done that day so I had wasted holidays at work. When arriving for this appointment the staff in the practice also made me feel stupid for not knowing their standard appointment system even though I wasn’t one of their patients, I was referred. Then they booked me in for the procedure after that, which I had to rebook due to them doing it wrong (causing me to change shifts and holidays 4 times but this point).

After being assured I would be unconscious for the procedure (had a tooth removed at this practice before and had no problems) I woke up during it, in absolute agony, I’m already terrified of dentists but hold it in quite well, and instead of knocking me out or pain relief etc they just carried on pulling teeth out and stitching up my gums and sent me in my way even though I asked them to stop several times due to the pain.

Once being passed over to my grandma in tears and completely distraught they decided to tell her all I could feel was “pressure”… which was the biggest slap in the face.

48 hours later and I’m still completely traumatised and never want to step foot into a dentist ever again."
Jessica D, 15th April 2023


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