Alexandra Dental Centre - Claremorris

Marymead, Knock Rd, Boherduff, Claremorris, Co. Mayo, F12 P9D8

Average review score of 4.9 from 27 customer reviews

"Here I am writing my second review. I am very happy with my treatment and the final outcome, and ever since been recommending this clinic to everyone. I must admit i been to completely different dentists in past in other cities who were giving very rude comments to my face and didn't offered any solution to the procedure i was looking for, which had caused me a lot of anxiety for visiting other dentists again, and i know some people who are scared to visit some dentists just of fear of being judged. This was the best clinic where i felt comfortable and not judged, the only place where you will be treated with kindness and solution to a problem. The two ladies was very helpful and kind answering any questions, even the responses to emails was fast. They care about each of their clients and and does their best to help them. I would only trust this clinic and would highly recommend it to anyone who needs help with their teeth. Thank you for everything."
Daiga Z, 18th December 2020


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We are a long established Dental Practice located in Limerick City & Shannon Co.Clare offering a wide range of treatments at Competitive Prices. Our team is highly trained in many complex procedures including extensive training in Cosmetic Dentistry, Intravenous Sedation, a full range of Orthodontic Services, and Dental Implants to name but a few.

Our team is highly dedicated to Nervous Patients. We are always there for you to make the patient journey a comfortable and relaxing one in our Ultra Modern Facility.

How to find Alexandra Dental Centre - Claremorris

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